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Compressed Air and Activated Carbon Filter

Mellcon Compressed Air and Gas Filters being manufactured are best Tested for simultaneous mechanical separation of liquid droplets and of solid dust from compressed gases. Tested with oil mist, these filters will have to be followed by adsorber units which have the double function of removing the remaining mist particles and of adsorbing the dissolved gases and vapours. Such "Adsorbers" contain granular adsorption media, usually activated carbon or silica gel. The granules nearer to depth filter and liquid mist particles, meanwhile the farther granules adsorb the dissolved vapours. Working pressure : 10 kg/cm2. Material : Carbon Steel. Finish : Inside black bituminious paint. Flanges according to ASA-150 RT Ceramic filter cylinders of grain size 120. All sizes are supplied with separately packed carbon except the In-Line Adsorber, which is supplied with filled-in carbon.

  Activated Carbon Filter

De-oiling plant for compressed air 

One of the most commonly used pressure gas systems where the carrier gas contains solid impurities, mist and vapours at the same time, is that of compressed air.

In many cases the requirements call for the best possible separation of the oil carried with the air. The principle fo an effective plant for such a purpose is shown in the diagram. 

The units for the combined separation of residual mist and adsorption of oil vapour contain a special type of granular activated carbon of about 550g/1 bulk weight. The oil adsorption capacity is about 5 to 10% of the carbon weight. Efficiency : practically complete de-oiling.

We supply : Complete filter for the filtration of gases and liquid equipped with filter elements made of porous ceramic or porous plastic materials or with filter cylinders and candles of porous ceramic or porous plastic materials.



Dimensions mm


Connection   ND

Filter cylinders


Approx total weight kg.


at 8.0bar

m3/h (actual)

H Ø a b c d No. Dimensions mm 90 10   35  
681-150 1220 159 150 --- --- --- 25 2 70/40 Ø


50 mm  long

220 25   100  
681- 250 1460 267 120 --- 110 --- 32 2 450 50 155
681-300 1500 318 120 --- 125 --- 40 4 700 75 185
681-350 1780 368 130 1440 130 260 40 7 1100 125 235
681- 400 1970 419 150 1620 150 290 50 9 1500 175 370
681- 500 2010 521 150 1650 170 340 65 14 3000 350 750
681- 700 2350 720 180 1900 200 460 80 32 5500 650 900
681 - 800 2600 820 200 2075 230 520 100 64 9500 1100 ---
681- 1000 2870 1020 300 2250 275 625 150 109 --- 1550 ---
681- 1200 3000 1200 300 2320 370 720 200 152      
IN-LINE 500 120 --- --- --- --- 3/4" 2 35/20 Ø 65mm long  3.5 kg. 10 m3/h 12 kg.

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